
Our Safety Vision is “one person, one plan, one phase at a time.”

Safety is not just discussed at Arc American—it is woven into the culture for each employee. Top Management continues to be involved as needed to promote a safe environment for all employees. Their expectations resonate throughout all leadership levels to be sure that each employee is trained and prepared. The inclusion of Human Performance allows the culture to be focused on the person and not just the task that they are performing.

Arc American believes that employees have a voice when it comes to their safety. The Safety Committee was developed to encourage open dialogue between Field Workers and Top Management to discuss best practices, opportunities for improvement, or concerns. Immediate improvements have been made as a result, and employee appreciation for their contribution is recognized company wide.

The Good Catch/Near Miss program

The Good Catch / Near Miss Program (GC/NM) at Arc American has a direct correlation to the safety performance. The safety metrics have continued to improve since the onset of the program. The GC/NM is shared across the company to all crews for peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

Safety Excellence – On the Job, On the Mind

Arc American Safety Vision is “One Person, One Plan, One Phase at a time.”

On the Job

Zero injury goal

No shortcuts taken

Teachable moments

Be your brother’s keeper

On the Mind

Toolbox talks

Safety training

Experience and expertise

Behavioral performance




Industry Affiliations

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